Disease Information

Recursos adicionales específicos de enfermedades

Secure Food Supply Plans

The Secure Food Supply Plans for poultry, milk, pork and beef were developed to aid producers, transporters and food processors in the event of a foreign animal disease outbreak, like High Pathogenicity Avian Influenza (HPAI). These response plans are designed to avoid interruptions in animal/animal product movement from operations with no evidence of infection and maintain business continuity.
Secure Poultry Supply

Vaccination Information

FAD PReP/NAHEMS Guidelines

This document is a supplement to FAD PReP/NAHEMS Guidelines: Vaccination for Contagious Diseases. Both documents are components of APHIS’ FAD PReP NAHEMS Guidelines

Categorías de enfermedades


Para citar esta ficha técnica encontrada en esta página web, se puede utilizar la información siguiente:
Spickler, Anna Rovid. "Título de la ficha técnica." "Fecha de la ficha técnica (última actualización)." En cfsph.iastate.edu/es/enfermedades/factsheets/