United States Department of Agriculture Centers
USDA Animal and Plant Health Inspection Services (APHIS) Veterinary Services (VS) Center for Veterinary Biologics (CVB)
The CVB implements the provisions of the Virus-Serum-Toxin Act (VSTA) to assure that pure, safe, potent and effective veterinary biologics (vaccines and diagnostics), are available for the diagnosis, prevention, and treatment of animal diseases. The CVB works to:
• Ensure that biologics are free of disease producing agents, especially foreign animal diseases
• Develop appropriate standards and procedures for product release
• Issue licenses and permits
• Monitor and inspect products and facilities
• Control field tests and release of veterinary biologics

USDA Animal and Plant Health Inspection Services (APHIS) Veterinary Services (VS) National Veterinary Services Laboratories (NVSL)
The NVSL provides diagnostic support for USDA programs (in cooperation with state and foreign governments) to protect the health of the nation’s livestock and poultry. Activities include training, reference assistance, methods development and diagnosis of domestic and foreign animal diseases using a wide array of procedures involving pathology, bacteriology, virology, serology, immunology, parasitology, toxicology, and chemistry. NVSL is the reference laboratory for diseases that are in the process of being controlled or eradicated in the U.S. and is World Organization for Animal Health (WOAH) reference laboratory for 15 diseases.
USDA Agricultural Research Service (ARS) National Animal Disease Center (NADC)
The NADC is the USDA’s principal research center for investigating endemic diseases of domestic livestock. Scientists at the NADC conduct basic and applied research on animal diseases of economic importance to US agriculture and apply the results to animal disease prevention and control programs.