Disease Information

Additional Disease Specific Resources

Secure Food Supply Plans

The Secure Food Supply Plans for poultry, milk, pork and beef were developed to aid producers, transporters and food processors in the event of a foreign animal disease outbreak, like ASF. These response plans are designed to avoid interruptions in animal/animal product movement from operations with no evidence of infection and maintain business continuity.
Secure Pork Supply

Vaccination Information

There is not a vaccine available for ASF.

ASF Disease Poster

Disease Categories

The links in this section will take you to a list of other diseases for that same category (e.g. diseases affecting that species, in a specific region, etc.).


To cite the factsheets found on this website, the following information can be used:
Spickler, Anna Rovid. "Title of Factsheet." "Date of Factsheet (Last Updated)." At cfsph.iastate.edu/diseaseinfo/factsheets/