USDA APHIS has developed the Foreign Animal Disease Preparedness and Response Plan (FAD PReP) materials to raise awareness, develop capabilities, and enhance the coordinated response to an animal disease outbreak. The materials present a comprehensive U.S. preparedness and response strategy for FAD threats, both zoonotic and non-zoonotic. APHIS provided funding through a cooperative agreement to the Center for Food Security and Public Health to develop some of these resources.

FAD PReP/National Animal Health Emergency Response System (NAHEMS) Resources developed by the CFSPH
Guidelines provide the foundation for a coordinated national, regional, state and local response in an animal health emergency. Guidelines can be integrated into the preparedness plans of Federal, State and local agencies, Tribal Nations, and other groups involved in animal health emergency management.
PowerPoint presentations are resources for speakers providing training, or can be used as a self-study. A collection of PowerPoint presentations with speaker notes is based on the content of the associated FAD PReP Guidelines.
Tactical Topics are two-page briefs on response activities to be used as operational reminders or attached to an Incident Action Plan at deployment. These Tactical Topics capture the critical messages of the associated FAD PReP Guidelines.
USDA FAD PReP Materials and References
FAD PReP documents are available on the USDA FAD PReP Materials and References page.
FAD PReP Industry Manuals
Industry Manuals provide a broad overview of U.S. production methods and the procedures that may be used in the event of a highly contagious FAD outbreak. The Manuals were developed for officials involved in managing a highly contagious FAD outbreak, response team members working to control disease on the farm, and producers and employees at production facilities.
- Biosecurity (2016) Revised