Just-in-Time Training for Responders

Various response tasks will be needed during an animal health emergency. Responders will also vary in their backgrounds, level of training and experience.

These Just-In-Time (JIT) training materials can help prepare responders for various aspects and tasks involved during an animal health emergency response to promote an effective and efficient response.

These materials were developed by CFSPH through funding from the Multi-State Partnership for Security in Agriculture and the USDA National Animal Disease Preparedness and Response Program.

The training includes:

PPT – a short, 15 to 20 minute PowerPoint presentation covering the topic
VIDEO (.mp4) recording of each presentation
Key Points handout for each presentation

New & Recently Updated Topics:


Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) for Animal Health Emergencies

PPE Overview

English: PPT | VIDEO [13:32 min] Handouts (pdf): PPE Overview | PPE Donning | PPE Doffing

Spanish: Coming soon!

PPE Donning Level C

Coming soon!

PPE Doffing Level C

Coming soon!

Safety While Wearing PPE

English: PPT | VIDEO [9:24 min] | Handout (pdf): Key Points

Spanish: Coming soon!

Respirator Usage and Safety

English: PPT | VIDEO [17:29 min] | Handout (pdf): Key Points

Respirator Usage and Safety

Emergency responses

Animal Disease Emergency Responses

Why and What Actions are Needed

Coming soon!

Work Zones During an ADE: Know the Terminology

Coming soon!

Setting up a Clean and Dirty Line

Coming soon!


Vaccination During Animal Health Emergencies

Vaccination Overview

PPT | VIDEO [13:39 min] | Handout (pdf): Key Points

Vaccination Cold Chain Management

Coming soon!

More Topics:

Incident Command System

Incident Command System (ICS) for Animal Health Emergencies

ICS Overview

PPTVIDEO [11:35 min] | Handout (pdf): Key Points


Responder Health and Safety During an Animal Health Emergency

Health and Safety Overview

PPT | VIDEO [14:20 min] | Handout (pdf): Key Points

Responder Psychosocial Impacts

PPT | VIDEO [6:02 min] | Handout (pdf): Key Points

Responder Conduct and Behavior

PPT | VIDEO [7:59 min] | Handout (pdf): Key Points

Responder Security

PPT | VIDEO [9:11 min] | Handout (pdf): Key Points

Zoonoses Risks and Prevention

PPT | VIDEO [9:07 min] | Handout (pdf): Key Points



Overcoming Language Barriers During an Animal Health Emergency

PPT | VIDEO [5:37 min] | Handout (pdf): Key Points

Handling Conflict During an Animal Health Emergency

PPT | Handout (pdf): Key Points

Movement control

Quarantine and Movement Control

Quarantine Structure and Terminology

PPT |VIDEO [10:34 min] | Handout (pdf): Key Points

Traffic Control and Movement

PPT | VIDEO [8:53 min] | Handout (pdf): Key Points

Checkpoint Set-Up and Operation

PPT | VIDEO [14:17 min] | Handout (pdf): Key Points


Biosecurity for Animal Health Emergencies

Biosecurity: Overview

PPT | Handout (pdf): Key Points

Biosecurity: Routes of Disease Transmission

PPT | Handout (pdf): Key Points

Wildlife Management and Vector Control

PPT | VIDEO | [ 13:46 min] | Handout (pdf): Key Points

U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA)
Foreign Animal Disease Preparedness and Response Plan (FAD PReP) National Animal Health Emergency Management System (NAHEMS).

bleach bottle

Cleaning and Disinfection (C&D)

C&D Overview

PPT | VIDEO [15:29 min] | Handout (pdf): Key Points

C&D: Personnel

PPT | VIDEO [10:26 min] | Handout (pdf): Key Points

C&D: Equipment

PPT | VIDEO [8:50 min] | Handout (pdf): Key Points

C&D: Premises

PPT | VIDEO [17:32 min] | Handout (pdf): Key Points

C&D: Vehicles

PPT | VIDEO [10:01 min] | Handout (pdf): Key Points

Animal Decontamination: Natural Disasters/Chemical Events

PPT | VIDEO [19:34 min] | Handout (pdf): Key Points


Surveillance for Animal Disease Emergencies

Surveillance Overview

PPT | VIDEO [14:39 min] | Handout (pdf): Key Points

Animal Behavior and Restraint

Animal Behavior and Restraint During Animal Health Emergencies


PPT | VIDEO [12:22 min] | Handout (pdf): Key Points


PPT | VIDEO | [9:10 min] | Handout (pdf): Key Points


PPT | VIDEO | [9:06 min] | Handout (pdf): Key Point


PPT | VIDEO [9:50 min] | Handout (pdf): Key Points

Companion Animals

PPT | VIDEO [18:33 min] | Handouts (pdf): Key Points


Temporary Sheltering For Animals During Animal Health Emergencies


PPTVIDEO [12:35 min] | Handout (pdf): Key Points


PPT | VIDEO | [10:46 min] | Handout (pdf): Key Points


PPT | VIDEO | [13:32 min] | Handout (pdf): Key Points

Companion Animals

PPT | VIDEO [17:21 min] | Handout (pdf): Key Points

  • National Alliance of State Animal and Agriculture Emergency Programs (NASAAEP) Best Practices in Emergency Management. Mass Sheltering and Care.
Animal welfare

Animal Welfare During Animal Health Emergencies

Animal Welfare Overview

PPT | VIDEO [12:41 min] | Handout (pdf): Key Points


PPT | VIDEO [6:39 min] | Handout (pdf): Key Points


PPT | VIDEO [7:57 min] | Handout (pdf): Key Points


PPT | Handout (pdf): Key Points


Euthanasia of Animals for Animal Health Emergencies

Euthanasia Overview

PPT | VIDEO [22:25 min] | Handout (pdf): Key Points

Carcass Disposal

Carcass Disposal During Animal Health Emergencies

Carcass Disposal Overview

PPT | VIDEO [27:04 min] | Handout (pdf): Key Points


PPT | VIDEO [20:13 min] | Handout (pdf): Key Points

Off-Site Transport and Disposal Locations

PPT | VIDEO [14:43 min] | Handout (pdf): Key Points


PPT | VIDEO | [10:51 min] | Handout (pdf): Key Points