
Disease monitoring of birds for HPAI involves close observation and testing. This is also known as surveillance. The steps below will help find disease early or demonstrate no evidence of infection so a movement permit can be requested in an outbreak.

SPS Secure Poultry Supply

Oropharyngeal Swab Testing

  1. Stock the supplies needed for collection of oropharyngeal samples.
  2. Train designated employees to collect oropharyngeal samples from birds that have died, using the videos below and handouts provided (in  English  and  Spanish ). A  reference guide for laboratory procedures  is also available. The company veterinarian should lead this training.
  3. Have the trained employees practice specimen collection of oropharyngeal samples and submission/delivery to the State Animal Health Official (SAHO) or Area Veterinarian-in-Charge (AVIC) designated diagnostic laboratory for RT-PCR testing for avian influenza.
  4. Confirm that laboratory results from the oropharyngeal samples will be reported to the SAHO/AVIC.
  5. Ensure that individuals for each premises know when and how to enter any test results that may be required by the State if the premises is in a control area.

Training Videos (English):

Introduction to Secure Egg Supply
Duration: 3 min
Collecting Oropharngeal Swabs:
Step 1, Collect Needed Supplies
Duration: 2 min
Collecting Oropharngeal Swabs:
Step 2, Set Up Sampling Area
Duration: 2 min
Collecting Oropharngeal Swabs:
Step 3, Sample Collection
Duration: 3 min
Collecting Oropharngeal Swabs:
Step 4, Package and Deliver Samples
Duration: 1 min

Training Videos (Spanish):

Introducción a la Respuesta Nacional de IAAP
Duration: 3 min
Toma de Muestras Orofaríngeas: Paso 1, Reunir los Materiales Necesarios
Duration: 2 mins
Toma de Muestras Orofaríngeas: Paso 2, Instalación del Área de Muestreo
Duration: 2 mins
Toma de Muestras Orofaríngeas: Paso 3, Toma de Muestras
Duration: 3 mins
Toma de Muestras Orofaríngeas: Paso 4, Empacado Correcto de las Muestras
Duration: 1 mins