Transboundary and Emerging Diseases of Animals, 2016
Chapter 1 References
Note: The World Hunger Chart on Page 22 in the textbook has an error. ‘Sub-Saharan Asia’ should be ‘Sub-Saharan Africa’. The correct World Hunger Chart
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Rift Valley Fever
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Nipah Virus
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Climate Change
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Environmental Degradation
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Deliberate Acts
Personal Communication, Keith Hamilton, Executive Director for International Programs, Kansas State University,
Editing Assistance: Jan LaVille, Ames Iowa
Reviewed by:
Timothy Cordes, USDA APHIS National Veterinary Accreditation Program
USDA APHIS Legislative and Public Affairs
Chapter 2 References
Portals of Entry
American Association of Swine Veterinarians (AASV). Quick Facts: PED. Available at:
Schwartz, J. (2015, April 12). Midwest Canine Influenza outbreak caused by new strain of virus. Available at:
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Percell M. Taylor, DVM, Case Report: Equine, screwworm myiasis, intercepted, VMO Observer, USDA-APHIS, February 2012.
Spickler, Anna Rovid, Heartwater, December 2015. Accessed March 31, 2016
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Definitions for Understanding
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Routes of Transmission
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Transstadial and Transovarial
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Spickler, Anna Rovid, Rift Valley Fever, January 2015. Available at:
Characteristics of Pathogens
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Spickler, Anna Rovid, Small Ruminant Lentiviruses, May 2015. Available at:
Merck Veterinary Manual: Giardiasis
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Spickler, Anna Rovid, Echinococcosis, July 2011. Available at:
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Chapter 3 References
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Chapter 4 References
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Exotic Newcastle Disease. Pamela Kramer, personal communication, 2008
Foot and Mouth Disease. Pam Hullinger, personal communication, 2015
NAHERC. Tuberculosis Testing. This story originally appeared in the NAHERC Quarterly Newsletter, Volume 1, Issue 2, February 2011 and was used with permission of NAHERC and Dr. Schroder.
Editing Assistance: Jan LaVille, Ames Iowa
Reviewed by: Cheryl Eia, AVMA; Daisy Witherspoon, USDA APHIS NAHERC; Timothy Cordes, USDA APHIS NVAP; USDA APHIS Legislative and Public Affairs
Chapter 5 References
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New World Screwworm in the U.S.
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