Down Cow Care on an Organic/Alternative Farm 

A Holstein cow lays in a green pasture while cows graze in the background.

One thing no one ever wants to find is a down cow on their farm. Cattle that are too weak and unable to stand can easily become a target for predators, especially out on pasture. Moving quickly and attending to the animal as soon as possible is important.  5 M’s of Down Cows  If you … Read more

Calves, Kids, and Lambs in Winter 

Hereford calf tucks into mom as it snows.

You will need clean, dry, warm areas for your new babies, especially in cold and wet weather. Winter can make it especially difficult to monitor young animals’ health status, and bringing them inside may be necessary. While cattle are hardier than sheep and goats, calves are still susceptible to the cold. Having areas sheltered from the … Read more

Dung Beetles: The Organic/Alternative Farmer’s Hidden Helper

A dung beetle sits on a pile of feces on a dusty road.

With emerging diseases, a changing climate, and concerns about feeding a growing population, organic and alternative producers face many challenges. Fortunately, farmers worldwide are getting a helping hand from an unexpected friend.   Dung beetles are an often-overlooked part of agriculture, but their benefits are beginning to become unearthed. With over 6,000 species of dung beetles … Read more

Now available as downloadable PDFs: Overviews of organic/alternative animal health  

Photo of the course section of The Livestock Project website.

In June 2022, The Livestock Project introduced the first part of a continuing education series focused on organic and alternative animal health. As we come to the close of this year, we wanted to let you know the Overview courses are now widely available as downloadable PDFs and that we will have six new courses … Read more

Planning for Winter: Livestock 

A group of highland cattle lay on a snowy area while others eat from a round bale feeder near snow covered trees.

As we head into winter, there are many considerations for livestock owners to make. Making preparations for winter can save you time, money, and stress. Depending on where you live, winter can be harsh on you and your livestock. Taking small steps to prepare can prevent unnecessary stress and difficulties. Check out a few tips … Read more

Farm Animals and Enrichment

Two multicolored young goats sit on cut stumps in a wooded area.

When considering animal care on farms, many farmers focus on nutrition, health, facilities, and other areas necessary for animal production. An area for you to consider when caring for your animals is how enrichment plays a large role in their health and welfare. Environmental enrichment is a way to enhance the physical and mental stimulation … Read more

Organic Beekeeping

A beekeeper checks the honey out of one of his hives in a flowery field.

While beekeeping is an endeavor that many can take on, but there are many important considerations to protect the bee’s safety and wellbeing. Some obvious reasons to consider beekeeping are fresh honey, beeswax, pollination of gardens and orchards, and a love of bees. Just like the organic production of meat, milk, and eggs, the production … Read more

Emergencies When Transporting Livestock 

A Jacob ram peaks out the back of a trailer door.

For many, getting on the road with livestock in a trailer can be stressful. When it comes to accidents involving livestock, situations can easily become chaotic. Many who respond to these emergencies, such as police, firefighters, or EMS, have little to no livestock handling experience. Below are a few tips to aid in reacting to … Read more

Disaster and Emergency Planning

Aerial picture of a flooded field and pasture.

One thing that many fear is the unexpected – especially when it could affect your farm and livestock. There are ways to prepare for a disaster and its aftermath. If you are a farmer or rancher looking to create one of those plans, check out some tips and resources below!  Farm Information  When planning for an … Read more